MEDIA RELEASE Friends of Sherwood Arboretum Association. (The Local Bulletin Sept 2019)

Lights, camera … action!

Brisbane’s newest botanic gardens has been showcased nation-wide thanks to one of Australia’s most popular television gardening programs.

The ABC Gardening Australia team, including producer Neil Proud and cameraman Mick Fanning, presented a story on the impressive 15-ha Sherwood Arboretum, with its collection of more than 1100 Australian native trees, to celebrate National Tree Day in July.

Popular Gardening Australia presenter, Jerry Coleby-Williams summed up the ABC Arboretum story this way: ‘I reckon Sherwood Arboretum stands out as a simple place for simple pleasures – it’s a gem!’

Jerry spoke to the Curator of Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Dale Arvidsson about one of the oldest trees in the Arboretum’s collection, a Forest Red Gum (pictured) which stands proudly on the grassy banks overlooking the Brisbane River.

‘A tree of this size is probably pre-European in this particular area – so it’s a real link with our past,’ the Curator told Jerry.

The story also looked at trees such as the Bull Kauri from the Wet Tropics of Far North Queensland and one of Australia’s best blossom trees, the Queensland Lacebark.

However, the Curator saved his highest praise for the striking Queensland Kauri avenue, which includes several younger trees growing in temporary mounds to give them a better chance of survival due to a high water table near the wetlands.

‘Sherwood Arboretum is now the third botanic garden for Brisbane and without the long-term support of the community via the Friends of Sherwood Arboretum, we wouldn’t have places like this today that make Brisbane so green and sustainable,’ Dale said.

After discussing the Arboretum colourful history with Friends President Andrew Benison, Jerry asked him to nominate his favourite trees in the Arboretum.

‘The Fig Grove … you walk into the grove and it’s like walking into a cathedral of trees … it’s an extraordinary experience,’ Andrew said.

You can watch the story by visiting the Gardening Australia website and clicking on stories.

You’ll find the Sherwood Arboretum extended story on 26 July 2019.

Sherwood Arboretum – Extended Version – Gardening Australia

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Jerry (left) asks Andrew what his favourite trees at the Arboretum are.

Jerry (left) talks with Dale Arvidsson about the huge Forest Red Gum.